Semi-truck collisions are notorious for causing destruction to smaller vehicles and severe or fatal injuries to vehicle occupants. Semi-trucks are so large and heavy that they pose a major hazard to people in smaller vehicles. Not only can they cause particularly...
With Decades of Experience
Month: June 2022
What constitutes wrongful termination of employment?
Many workers don't particularly like their jobs, but they still need them. People have to earn an income to support themselves and their families. However unhappy they may be in their current position, they may feel frantic at the idea of losing their job suddenly....
Why writing your obituary should be part of your estate planning efforts
One of the best reasons for creating an estate plan is to save your loved ones time, money and confusion after you’re gone. Many people who take this important step, however, still leave the writing of their obituary to their family. That means that they may be tasked...
Who covers the costs inspired by a defective product?
Some people regret some of the purchasing decisions that they make. Impulse purchases are a common source of buyer remorse. People buy something due to a sale or deceptive advertising and then realize that they don't actually need the product. Other times, people...
3 factors that separate semi-truck wrecks from other crashes
Motor vehicle collisions can range from minor inconveniences to life-altering experiences. Many factors influence the severity of a collision, including the speed of the vehicles and the way that they approached one another. The types of vehicles involved can also be...
What is a per se drunk driving offense in Arkansas?
Some driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases in Arkansas are very clear-cut. A driver gets behind the wheel and does something so dangerous that anyone witnessing the situation would recognize their chemical impairment. Other times, whether someone faces charges or not...
3 myths about estate planning
Did you know that most adults in the U.S. do not have an estate plan? It’s true. These people likely know that they will need an estate plan eventually. They are not necessarily opposed to the idea, at least in many cases. But they don’t have one in place, so their...
Why are large trucks so dangerous?
Accidents with large trucks at high speeds are often fatal – especially for the driver and passengers inside the smaller vehicle. Most drivers have driven behind or beside a large truck and know that their size poses a risk to smaller vehicles. However, there are...
Can you bring a wrongful termination claim in Arkansas?
Whether you work as a medical receptionist at a busy obstetric office or a production specialist at a manufacturing facility, you depend on your job for your basic income and also for the benefits that enrich your life, like health insurance coverage. Suddenly losing...
What are the two main categories of criminal defenses?
There are dozens of different kinds of criminal offenses that exist under both Arkansas state law and federal statutes. Individuals arrested by the police and arraigned by a prosecutor will either need to plead guilty to the charges brought against them or prepare a...